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According to the May 23 guidance from the state, churches must develop a “COVID-19 Preparedness Plan”. After reviewing the public health guidelines, St. John’s has put together the following plan:


  1. Those who have symptoms of COVID-19 or members in their household are asked to say home (recommend taking temperature before leaving home).

  2. Those in the high-risk demographic are encouraged to stay home.

  3. Those coming to church will be asked to use hand sanitizer as they enter building and to wear masks.

  4. All hymnals have been removed. Orders of Service will be available to worshippers as they enter the sanctuary (please take them with you as you leave, as we cannot reuse them).

  5. Some pews will be taped off to encourage social distancing. Members of different households will be encouraged not to sit in the same pew unless there can be a six-foot distance between them.

  6. Pew pads will be removed to facilitate sanitizing between services.

  7. Singing will be kept to a minimum, since it is considered a “high risk activity”.

  8. To avoid physical contact there will NOT be a time to greet one another after the announcements, before the service starts. Greetings before and after the service should be done in ways in which there is no physical contact and a six-foot distance is maintained. The pastor will not shake hands after the service.

  9. Communion will be done in a way that will allow for social distancing.

  10. Offering plates will not be passed. An offering plate will be in the back of the sanctuary and worshipers are asked to place their offering into it.

  11. To ensure that no more than ¼ of the capacity of the building is filled, services will be added. There will be an 8:00 am and 10:00 am service.

  12. Following worship there will not be coffee and fellowship.

  13. Water fountains will be turned off.

  14. Only one person shall be in the restroom at a time.

  15. The building will be sanitized between services.

  16. The names of those in attendance at any given service will be recorded.

  17. Those in the high-risk demographic who do not wish to attend regular worship services may contact the pastor for communion.

  18. We ask that people enter through the main door on 4th Avenue NW.

  19. To maintain social distance, people will be ushered to a seat, filling in the seats up front first and then the congregation will be ushered out starting with the pews closest to the exit.

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